Hello everyone!
My name is Kate Melody and I am representing Moving Forward. I am a freshman at Gilbert High
School. I must say that high school can be very stressful and hard to manage school and other activities,
but still have time for yourself. I admit that sometimes I struggle with finding the happy medium between
friends, family, “my own time,” sports, and much more. I understand that sometimes it’s even hard to feel
like you are important, fit in, and are loved. But I promise you ARE loved in so many ways! If you are
wondering what Moving Forward is, it is a student led organization that focuses to bring the community
together. Within the community, we focus mostly on the students of GHS. But that doesn’t mean we don’t
care about you guys, we are all here for you! If you have any questions, need to talk to someone, or just
want to say “hi” - I included my email, snap, Moving Forward’s email, and our Instagram.
Moving Forward:
Moving Forward Instagram:
My personal email:
My snap: