Hello everyone!
My name is Lydia Hackett, and I am a Gilbert freshman representing Moving Forward. Everyone
can agree that high school is a difficult time in life. With everything going on, such as sports,
family, friends, homework, and other responsibilities, it can be extremely stressful and difficult to
get through. So we should all be there for one another because we're all in this together. Moving
Forward is a student-led organization at Gilbert dedicated to helping others. If anyone needs
someone to talk to, we are here for you. We are available if anyone needs anything, even if it is
as simple as someone to sit with at lunch. We care about everyone, no matter what, because
everyone deserves to be appreciated and loved for who they are by their peers. So, if you need
someone to talk to or are struggling with something, feel free to reach out. The Moving Forward
email, Instagram, and my personal email are all here.
Moving Forward:
Moving Forward Instagram:
My personal email: